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Byron Carter Announces “Stop at 70” Campaign

Byron Carter for Supreme Court Justice

News Release

Thursday, August 1, 2024

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Byron Carter Announces “Stop at 70” Campaign


Mississippi should join 18 states not allowing judges to be appointed or elected after turning 70 years old


Byram, MS – Attorney Byron Carter, the Central Mississippi Supreme Court Justice candidate with more experience at the Mississippi Court of Appeals and Mississippi Supreme Court than any other challenger, announced at the Neshoba County Fair his “Stop at 70” campaign.  Noting 32 states have term limits for judges and 18 don’t allow judges to be appointed or elected after turning 70 years old, Carter says Mississippi should permanently end the ability of judges to serve on the bench indefinitely. 


Carter stated, “Our nation is finally having a conversation about public officials overstaying their ability to serve the taxpayers after clearly revealing diminished cognitive abilities.  Voters have the ability to end elected officials terms in office in as little as two years on the Federal level, but at the highest court in our state we have no such recourse.  That is why Mississippi should join 32 states in setting an age limit, with 18 states not allowing judges to be appointed or elected after turning 70 years old.”


Carter noted that Judges could still be on the bench as late as 77 years old in Mississippi if they followed a similar law in Alabama or Louisiana, but even Arkansas has a hard age limit of 70. 


Carter continued, “Faced with the stark reality that he could no longer serve in office, voters rejected the campaign of Joe Biden.  We don’t need to have something similar in Mississippi when it comes to the highest court in our state.  It doesn’t matter if it is Strom Thurmond on the right or Dianne Feinstein on the left, at some point all of us reach the end of our ability to fully function on behalf of taxpayers.  And when you are making life and death decisions on the bench for our fellow citizens, we need vibrant thought from all justices when reaching a verdict.  I join with United States Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts in recommending an age limit for justices.”   


Voters can find out more about Byron Carter’s law experience and family life by checking out




Byron Carter has been an attorney for almost 40 years.  Before establishing his office in Byram, Mississippi he practiced with other law firms in Mississippi and Alabama.  He previously was a law clerk at the Mississippi Supreme Court after graduating from Mississippi State and the Mississippi College School of Law.  For more information call (662) 832-8882 or send email to

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